Monday, December 7, 2009

About this blog

I have a terrible memory.  It's always been sort of a minor annoyance -- movies and books becoming a blur within a day or two of finishing them, or forgetting the punchline of a funny joke.  Technology has helped a lot in the last several years with the practical side of things; Gmail is a perfect example with its searchable archive of conversations. 

But recently I've started to realize that I'm forgetting events in my kids' lives, and that has really gotten to me.  My daughter K is 3 and my son C is 2, and every day they're learning, saying, and doing things that I should be cherishing.  I often tell myself things like "you've GOT to remember this," but it rarely helps.

So I'm starting this blog to record these things.  I know that it's public but I'm not really expecting it to be read by anyone but a clueless future me, so I'll apologize in advance if you decide to read it and are baffled by some unexplained reference or un-introduced person.  (But feel free to ask about such things in the comments if you're curious.)  I'll also apologize for any bad writing -- I promise I'll keep it legible but I'm hoping not to get too caught up in wordsmithing.

So, clueless future me, I hope you like it!  I did it for you.

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